Yaoi anime/manga/books 1961-1990

Koibito tachi no mori 1961

A novel by Mari Mori (1903-1987). Considered to be a first YAOI novel. Supported by Yukio Misima.

Sanroom nite 1970

By Takemiya Keiko. First yaoi manga.

Tomasu no shinzo 1973

By Hagio Moto. Yaoi manga

Hagio Moto and Takemiya Keiko were close friends and even shared an apartment. Their works were inspired by gay magazine Barazoku. By the way Barazoku magazine used the word yuri to refer to love stories about women. While gay men were referred to as "barazoku", lesbian women were refered to as "yurizoku".

Natsu he no tobira 1975

Yaoi manga by Takemiya Keiko. Anime (1981)

Kaze to ki no uta 1976

Yaoi manga by Takemiya Keiko. Anime (1987)

Patalliro 1978 

Yaoi manga by Mineo Maya. Anime (1982-1983)

Earthian 1987

Yaoi manga by Kouga Yuu. Anime (1989-1996) 

Kouga Yuu is most known for her manga Loveless but she is also one of the first yaoi manga artists. She started as a doujinshi artist. She mostly drew Seint Seiya doujinhi. 

Zetsuai 1989

Yaoi manga by Minami Ozaki. Anime (1992)
