This is a story about two young boys who meet accidentally and then gradually fall in love with each other. Their names are Serge and Etoile. We also get to meet Etoile's yonger sister - Angele. She is a little jealous that the boys are more interested in each other then in playing with her but overall she is supportive of their relationship.
This is a tragic story as Serge and Etoile commit some sort of double suicide in the end of the story.
I couldn't read it, but by the looks of the images, and by the character designs, it looks like a precursor to "Kaze to Ki no Uta", (translated) "The Song (Poem) of The Wind and The Trees".
ReplyDeleteI agree. I would also say that this story is a little more innocent as it seems like both charaters have never experienced love before they found each other.